The acronym AOB stands mainly for Assignment of Benefits. This is a form of a legal contract signed by the patient asking their health insurer to send reimbursement checks for medical services used directly to the medical billing company office or doctor. Those who sign the AOB contract would simplify the payment process for patients.
It allows healthcare practices to be paid directly by the patient’s insurer without direct patient intervention. This will enable patients to focus on medical care rather than worrying about payment. It also allows the medical billing companies practice to appeal against denials and underpayments from the patient’s insurer.
This term refers to insurance payments made directly to a medical professional for medical services received by the patient. As a transfer of benefits (often abbreviated as AOB), it simply means that the patient requests that payment for their health care be passed on to the doctor to use as payment.
A benefit is awarded when a patient signs a document that requires their medical and coding company health insurance provider to pay their doctor or hospital directly. AOBs also play a role in other insurance cases, such as home insurance, but here we are defining the term in the medical benefits industry.
An assignment of benefits (AOB) is an agreement that transfers insurance rights or benefits to a third party, such as a contractor. They request their services and order the insurance to pay them directly, without your involvement.
Specific details should be included in the benefit distribution agreement. Without these details, legal proceedings could be affected. Only a healthcare BPO who fully understands how to fill in the parties can help a doctor’s office complete the AOB forms correctly. Some of these essential requirements are as follows:
Personal data, such as the exact name of the patient, the health care provider, and the insurer, must be filled inaccurately.
The term “irrevocable” should be used in the AOB to confirm that the patient cannot revoke this agreement in the distant future.
Patients must sign the performance agreement. Billing personnel should ensure the patient’s signature on the contract to ensure a smooth legal process.
Signing the Transfer of Benefits could be disadvantageous to the parties involved in the following ways:
In situations such as medical emergencies, OON physicians may need to treat the patient. This would result in the medical bill increasing the payment done by the insurance plan. The excess amount of medical bills would not be covered by the insurance plan or the medical billing companies.
Thus, it becomes the complete responsibility of the patient to pay all the charges. If patients do not wish to sign the AOB contract, the additional amount charged on the surprise bill can be negotiated. Upon signing the AOB agreement, the patient loses this bargaining power, as the contract would not require the direct involvement of the patient in the payment process.
Hospitals would choose to stay out of the network with insurance providers to reap the benefits of getting total payments from patients. Unlike in-network physicians, offline healthcare providers do not have to maintain a standardized quality for their healthcare services rendered. In this way, patients would no longer benefit from the advantages of reducing the contracted network or of quality care for the medical services used.
Healthcare professionals can take advantage of this situation to charge consumers for unnecessary treatments, tests, and procedures to drive up medical bills.
As patients lose the power to intervene in the payment process upon signing an AOB, they transfer certain legal rights to healthcare professionals of medical billing companies. The patient would no longer have the right to sue the doctor. The healthcare provider would have the power to sue the insurer without the knowledge of the patient. This would increase the chances of individual patients being dragged into lawsuits.
The signing of the AOB, on the one hand, increases the convenience of payment for patients; on the other hand, it causes reasons for more significant discomfort to the patient due to the lack of transparency. So. Patients must check with their insurers before signing AOB. This would ensure frictionless execution of the insurance policy plan.
All in all, patients sometimes have great difficulty understanding the meaning of the assignment of benefits and do not know whether or not to commit. They can only sign on the dotted line after clearly understanding the benefits of doing so. Outsourcing this task to BPO Healthcare can help healthcare practices explain the benefits of signing the AOB form to patients most correctly and securely.